All Trailer Spares (Australia) Pty Ltd has now closed due to health issues.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers over the last 30 years and we wish you all a prosperous future.

Should you wish to contact us please forward any correspondence to PO Box 662, Ormeau QLD 4208.   Our Phone and email will no longer be monitored.

Again our heartfelt thank you for your loyal support and our best wishes for the future.

Design and Information Building Sheets

Advice given is a guide only.  All Trailer Spares cannot be held responsible for advice given.  Levels of knowledge and experience by the purchaser and unknown or uncommon factors not advised may impact on the outcome.  It is the purchasers responsibility to make sure that they are competent and understand the necessary factors that impact their requirements, assemblies, and that they are adhereing to relevant state or territory laws.

  • Axle Manufacturing Sheets

  • Spring Setups


    A.B.N. 40 081 545 011
    Located: 158 Fairview Dr, Willow Vale, Gold Coast, Queensland Australia 4209. Postal: P.O. Box 663, Ormeau, Gold Coast, Queensland Australia 4208.
    Local Phone: 07 3277 2802 Fax: 07 3277 2483 | International Phone: +617 3277 2802 Fax: +617 3277 2483
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